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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Buffalo Rodeo

Ok so here at the Music Doctors we strive to find some of the best unheard of talents around today, well we needed help to find this band from a band you may have heard of, Cage The Elephant. Today Cage did what they did best and gave the world some new music, but it wasn't of their own. Earlier today they posted a video to Buffalo Rodeo's song, "All The Same" so I took a listen, and was hooked.

First off, the music sounds nothing like Cage The Elephants, in fact it has more of a U2 combined with Arcade Fire vibe. The voice isn't anything like Bono's though, which is a good thing because the uniqueness adds to the band's sound. Their LP, Wanderers, is full of 5 great songs, some more mellow than the other's.

Now if you are already interested just wait, we haven't even gotten to the best part. Get this, the LP was released July 2011. The group of 5 graduated from HIGH SCHOOL in July 2011. So, yes, this group of 5 guys graduated from High school, went to their bassist's house and recorded Wanderers in just 5 days. Talk about potential!

Like many band's first recordings, Wanderers, has that raw sound to it that really helps add to the emotion of their songs. Their song, "All The Same," is spectacularly well written and so is their song, "So Shallow." And the other 3 songs are almost as great.

So obviously you can tell how excited we are about this band and if you don't believe us than take a listen and they will prove it to you. Oh yeah and here is the BEST part right now you can download Wanderers for FREE via the band's bandcamp. So definitely check them out now!

Songs I Recommend:
All The Same - listen and you will immediately believe
So Shallow - A great song with such a cool refrain
Grow Up - more of a raw sound but it is really good
Seasons - a bit more mellow but still great.

Free Download!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Paper Lions

Paper Lions is a band that any alternative rock band can and will fall in love with. They released their first album back in '07 and it didn't receive anywhere near the attention it deserved, especially when it contained a song such as Travelling. The song has a a fun melody set up by the piano and the song has a hint of The Beatles in it along with Dr. Dog. The self-titled album Paper Lions, also contains other great songs such as I'm On Fire and Bones. The album also contains the song, The Sheriff. This song contains some of the best harmonies in a song and if you have read any of the other posts we have put on this blog you know that we love good harmonies.

After this album the band took some time to release anything new. They started putting out more stuff in 2010 and their song, Lost the War, proved that they weren't done creating songs that all alternative rock fans will dig. It's been a long time since we have discovered a band with such great potential. The refrain of Lost the War will remind you of Arcade Fire, however, it is also completely different. Regardless of how bad of a description that was, they are completely deserving of a shot.

And if this post wasn't good enough the band has a link to their newest EP, Trophies Deluxe version with their song Travelling as well. So basically you are getting their newer stuff with the best song off their first album for FREE! Seriously what else does anyone need to give them a reason to check out a band that they will love.

Songs I Recommend:
Lost the War
The Sheriff
I'm on Fire

Paper Lions Facebook

Link to FREE download

Friday, February 17, 2012

My Best Fiend

Ok so I know it has been too long and there is no explanation for our hiatus so I'm just gonna say that we are sorry for the wait, but I promise that there will be more updates from now on. So here we go.

My Best Fiend

Ok so this band started releasing stuff around 2007 but their newest album shows all of their talent. In Ghostlike Fading is one of the most emotion filled albums I have heard in a long time. It is a perfect album to listen to when you just want to sit there and relax and think about life, what you have done, where you wanna go, and other things of that nature. Just put this album on repeat and listen through it completely. I guarantee that you will have an epiphany or two.

Now emotion is not the only thing My Best Fiend has to offer on this album, in fact I think it comes in second to the level of talent that these guys have with music. They have somehow found a way to properly blend classic rock sounds like Pink Floyd and combined them with the indie sound of today. Add in the voice that I hear some Gregg Alexander in and My Best Fiend has created something truly special.

I really recommend listening to this band and finding out if they are for you or not because chances are you will be listening to them for the rest of the weekend. I know I will be.

Songs I Recommend:
One Velvet Day - by far their best song and will get you hooked. Listen to this 1st.
Cracked Eggs - listen to this next and it will prove to you that My Best Fiend is for real. Oh and this song is available for FREE Download on iTunes. Take advantage of that!
On the Shores of the Infinite - a slower song but man the emotion is deep in this song. It is fitting that it is the last song on the album because it is the perfect ending song. It will leave you thinking.
