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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


James is a band out of the UK that began producing music in the early 80's. James is my personal overall favorite band. I have 150 of their songs and I cannot name one that I dislike. They recently released two mini-albums, The upbeat and catchy The Night Before released in April of 2010 and the dark and much more depressive The Morning After released in September of 2010. These two mini-albums just add more definition and depth to James.

Now what is so amazing about James you ask? Literally everything. I know that seems crazy, but James has it all. An amazing singer in Timothy Booth, quality lyrics that provide meaning and insight, music that is catchy and will keep you listening, and the ability to play live. "They are one of those few bands that I cannot picture recording in a studio." ~Dan Hessler "(The other music doctor). And he is so correct, I have had the privilege of seeing them live and it was breath-taking. In fact I will even go as far to say that they sound even better live then they do on their studio recordings. These days that can be extremely hard to come by.

Over the years I have come to conclude that their is a James song for every mood. Their are songs like Tomorrow and Waltzing Along that pick you up when you are down. Songs like Sometimes, Upside, and Just Like Fred Astaire that are perfect when you are thinking of that special someone. Then their is Dust Motes, Kaleidoscope, and Porcupine (All of the two mini-albums) for when you are in the depressive reflective mood. You name a mood and I will give you a James song to listen too.

Recommended songs: Well all, specifically the ones in the paragraph above, but here are some others...
Tell Her I Said So
Not So Strong
Born of Frustration
Ring the Bell (The last two listen to Born of Frustration first, then Ring the Bell right after, it sounds great that way.

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