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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Paper Tongues

Ok so this is one of those time where I have realized I have made a mistake. I had no idea I never put these guys in the blog before, and for that I am sorry, to all of you and to this band.

Now that that is over we can get to this. LISTEN TO THIS BAND!!!
Paper Tongues formed in North Carolina while Aswan North and a few of his buds that would sing for charity decided to create a band and man was that a great decision. It took awhile but they all eventually decided it was the right idea to leave what they had behind to form this band. They ran into Randy Jackson(yes that Randy Jackson) at a hotel after a showcase and introduced themselves and told him about their band. 2 hours later he called them and signed them and that was the birth of Paper Tongues.

Paper Tongues is gradually gaining a larger fan base and are getting bigger and better shows. They are a very original band and their songs are not all the same. They do all share one common factor and that is that they are all original and great. Aswan North, the frontman, has an incredible voice that I have been able to see live in the front row and man it is something special. The vibe this band gives off live is amazing especially in their song Get Higher. Aswan gets the crowd involved and I promise you would love them in concert so if you get the chance DO IT!!

Their music is a combination of hip hop/rock/electronica. They found a way to perfectly blend these three very different genres and make songs that immediately you think to yourself, "Wow, this band is something special...something that the world needs to have more of." Paper Tongues have the ability and the talent to become one of the biggest bands of our generation and they would be one of the few that I would be proud of to have our generations name. Please help them by spreading their name to all of your friends.

Songs I recommend
Ride To California
Get Higher
Rich and Poor
What If

Actually just listen to their entire album it's all great.

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